Monthly Meeting – Chili Cook Off and Patriots vs Eagles

Event Details

  • Date:

November 17th Monthly Meeting
Coconut Cove Rec Center 3 PM
Chili Cook-Off

Note change in time and place!

Laurel Manor is closed for maintenance causing the move. We are very limited on seating so we are going to take the first 120 members to sign up. (Sorry No Guests).

We are going to have a CHILI 🌶 COOK OFF!!!

We will have 12 Chili Chef Experts. (Please plan to prepare for 12-20 servings in a crock pot.  anything left over you can take home – like that might happen!)

The rest of our team will compliment our Chefs with…..

Last names ending in:
A-E bring Chili accessories shredded cheese, onions, hot peppers or any other condiments you like.

F-J. Bring Dipping Chips, nachos, naan bread etc.

K-P. Non Chili food like salads, small sandwiches etc.

Q-Z. Desserts

You can sign-up at the October 20th meeting. Or, you can sign-up at 243 Juarez Way in Rio Ponderosa  from 8 am-2:30 pm Tuesday, October 22nd. You can also call 617.653.2100 or 617.771.6234.

In all cases you MUST get a number that confirms you are a part of our 120. You do not have a seat until you have a number.  If you received a number and then can’t make it, please notify us so we can re-cycle your number!

At 4:20, we will watch our Patriots take on the Philadelphia Eagles. We will have Squares and all the usual cheers that make our meetings special.

Directions to Coconut Cove Rec Ctr.: Go south on Morse past Sumter Landing. At the next rotary, go  though the Caroline Village gate.  Coconut Grove will be down the road about 1 mile on the right.

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